The Yellow Watchman Goby, also known as the Yellow Prawn Goby or Yellow Shrimp Goby, was first described by Herre in 1936. Its body and head display a yellow-orange hue with striking blue spots on its fins and head. This unique goby has a distinctive frown and enjoys peering out from behind rocks. It has been observed forming symbiotic partnerships with pistol shrimps.
This species requires a minimum of 30 gallons in an aquarium, with ample space for swimming, a sandy substrate for burrowing, and plenty of loose coral rubble. While it is not typically aggressive towards other fish, it can be territorial and may engage in confrontations with its own species if not in a mated pair.
To prevent escape, it is essential to have a tightly-fitted lid as this goby may attempt to jump out of the aquarium through small openings. The Yellow Watchman Goby should be fed a varied diet consisting of mysis shrimp, brine shrimp.
Approximate Purchase Size: 2-3"
* For online orders of marine livestock, please allow a slightly longer delivery time to account for handling during shipment and quarantine processes. This may range from 1-3 weeks, but it will ensure the health and well-being of your new addition.
* All Livestock is for Sale in Singapore only and and Not Available for overseas export.