Alternative names: Ruby Nerite Snail, Red Spotted Snail, Tracked Nerite Snail
Nerites are not hermaphrodites, there are separate sexes of male and female snails. It will lay eggs in freshwater, but they won't survive since the young need brackish conditions to live.
• Tank compatibility
A peaceful snail, will not bother tank inhabitants. However, should not be kept with aggressive fish that may try to eat it such as Loaches or Pufferfish.
• Diet
This snail is a great algae eater. Generally will not touch plants if there is algae present and will eat most types of algae. If no algae is present the snail will have to be supplemented with blanched vegetables and algae wafers.
• Feeding regime
Will constantly graze in it's environment.
• Environment Specifics
Needs a spacious well oxygenated tank with plenty of algae to eat. If put in a new tank with no algae present and not supplemented, it can starve. A tight fitting lid is a must as these snails can be escape artists. must have water with a pH of greater than 7 and GH of greater than 5°d otherwise the shell will dissolve away and the snail will die. The presence of copper in the water will kill it.
• Behaviour
An attractive snail that will not multiply. They may lay lots of white/yellow eggs however, but they will not hatch. The young need brackish conditions and are difficult to rear in captivity. The eggs harden and can be difficult to remove. This snail is a gill breather.
• Identification
A pretty rounded smooth shell with a deep golden brown colour with several bands of black dots. White skin deeply mottled with black pigment.
* All Livestock is for Sale in Singapore only and and Not Available for overseas export. Any order received from overseas will be voided and refunded with a 5% admin fee charged.
Pre-Order on Freshwater Livestock:
Unless otherwise stated of availability in-store/online, pre-ordering lead time for livestock typically takes approximately 3-4 weeks for shipment arrival + 1 week of quarantine period before ready for delivery/collection. Once a pre-order has been received, any cancellation/amendment request will be subjected to a 5% admin fee charge of the order value. A full refund maybe requested without any cancellation charge imposed if the pre-ordered livestock fails to arrive after 30 days upon placing the order