Experience the power of Yamato Shrimp, also known as Amano Shrimp, in your freshwater aquarium. These revered invertebrates, made famous by the late Takashi Amano, possess a voracious appetite for algae, defeating even the toughest Black Beard, Green Spot, Cladophora, and String types. And with a minimal bioload, they are an incredibly efficient choice for any aquarist.
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Water Conditions: 73-81° F, KH 2-6, pH 5.5-7.5
- Max. Size: 2"
- Color Form: Translucent, Green, Red
- Diet: Omnivore
Purchase Size: approx 1-2"
* For online orders of livestock, a slightly longer delivery time maybe necessary to account for handling during shipment and quarantine processes. This may range from few days to 3 weeks, but it will ensure the health and well-being of your new addition.
* All Livestock is for Sale in Singapore only and and Not Available for overseas export.