The Sunset Guppy, developed through years of selective breeding, is a unique variety of Poecilia reticulata. Its eye-catching red-orange coloration on the face, dorsal fin, and tail fin, paired with a body color ranging from pearlescent white to light yellow, makes it a must-have for any freshwater aquarium enthusiast. This hardy and energetic fish thrives in tanks of at least 40 litres and is best kept with similar-tempered tankmates. While it can tolerate minor changes in water parameters, it's important to monitor temperature, pH, and nutrient levels. Ultimately, the Sunset Guppy is an excellent choice for beginner hobbyists looking for a stand-out fish.
As an aquarist, you will be thrilled to know that guppies are relatively easy to breed, making them a great choice for beginners. To successfully breed guppies, you will need a breeding box and a natural habitat with floating plants. This will ensure the safety of the fry, as adults might see them as a tasty snack. For optimal nutrition, the Sunset Guppy, an omnivorous fish, requires a diet that includes both algae-based and meaty foods. Keep your guppies healthy and happy with a mix of algae-based flakes, freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp.
Purchase Size: approx 1"
* All Livestock is for Sale in Singapore only and and Not Available for overseas export.
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